Prayer Request

Dear Heavenly Father, I come to you thanking you for this day and my health and strength. I ask that you forgive me of my sins. The ones that I know of and the ones I don't. Open my heart and show me all the things that are not like you. Soften my heart and fill me with your Holy Spirit. Lord I lay the decisions of school and work at your feet. Im trusting in you to lead me and guide me. Lord I pray that you heal Joes body and make him strong. I pray that anything thats pressing on his heart you help him to resolve. Lord I pray for the health and strength of my mom and grandparents. I pray that you lead and guide them in the way you want them to go. I ask that you help with the relationship I have with them. Lord please be with me lead me and guide me. Multiply my sleep and give me Jesus name Amen

by ChildofGod

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