Prayer Request

I found a prayer online for marriages struggling or not to pray for each other Im starting to believe its working its long but its a daily prayer anyone interested its........

I hope it helps or @ least builds u up there's also a good book for wives to Pray for their husbands thats good

The power of prayer by o Maritain.
For people tired of b n walked on whether affairs addiction or need help with boundaries try

Dr dobson love must be tough

For negative thoughts or invading thoughts try

Battlefield of the mind by Joyce Meyers

A good to learn bout God

Big truths for young hearts by Bruce a ware

For women struggling with same sex attraction

Restoring sexual identity by Anne paulk

For women married to a man who dont believe n God or is struggling try

When he doesn't believe by Nancy Kennedy ( This book was an eye opener n so me hit home )

For raising daughters or sons try

Your girl rasing a godly daughter n an ungodly word and your boy rasing in an ungodly world by Vicki Courtney

Want to change n get closet to God try

I really want to change so help me God by James MacDonald

You in pain and hurting try

The upside of down by Joseph m stowell

Want to understand your women or man there's two separate books by shaunti feldhahn ones for women only the other for men

Have sexual addiction or think someone you love is Try

False intimacy by Dr Harry w schaumburg

I know its a lot but I know there's a lot of people on here that may need answers encouragement help etc n I've read these Christian books and their helping a good Bible study help he'd real good is j Vernon McGee if anyone is interested I hope some of these books help for any interested im praying for you all

by stephanie,ky

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