Prayer Request

Sweet Jesus, thank You for loving me first. I love You too. In Your name I ask that the love between my husband and I will be everlasting. May we remain as One, just as we remain as ONE with You. Amen.

by HAJ

Pray Pray

9 people prayed for this

Comments on this Prayer

HAJ, has God answered your prayer? I hope so.

Walking in faith | on Jul 14, 2010

I have not been in touch with my husband for half a year. But I know God is working at his pace to restore our marriage. Only God know the perfect timing:) praise the Lord.

HAJ | on Jul 14, 2010

I will continue praying until you have peace about this.

Walking in faith | on Jul 14, 2010

You are a strong woman and inspiration to me. Stay in faith.

Eagerly Learning | on Jul 14, 2010

Thank you all for the prayers. Jesus has promises us, whatever we ask in His name shall be done for us. Amen. Praise our loving Father. I believe all that happened is to prepare us for more blessing of tomorrow. Praise our Lord. Amen.

HAJ | on Jul 15, 2010

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