Prayer Request

My sweet Jesus,

Thank you for the words. Thank you for the wonderful brother and sister who is upholding marriage couple in their prayers.

Lord, as I bow down and pray in your mighty name, my heart go out to those who are suffering in marriage. Lord, it is your will that we lead a fulfilling marriage life. Our union should be overwhelme by Your grace and love. Hence, sweet Jesus, open our heart and soul, let the Holy Spirit lead us to walk in accoradance to your Will. Let us surrender our brokeness, our 100% to you, Lord.

Lord, marriage couple around this earthly world are tempted and tested. Many of us has trangression, some have repented, others have yet to realized their mistakes. There are those who have been tempted and many who are to be tempt.

Lord, please keep marriage couple is Your special protection. Marriage is a convenant that cannot be break. Please let your Spirit teach us, humble us and guide us to love one another as intended by Our Father.

Help us to turn away from past sin, forgive each other of any trangression and have a change of heart to work toward living a true Christian marriage couple.

Lord, in Jesus precious name,
I ask and pray.


by HAJ

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