Prayer Request

Lord please I can't take this anymore, everyday these past couple months my moms crying and not eating because we lost our house, all the pressure is on my dad and he's stressing. Too much fighting, I'm losing my mind Lord, my little brothers are scared. God I feel like I'm not alive right now, I can't stop thinking of what might happen in the future. HELP US LORD, fix my family please!

by Jonathan

Pray Pray

15 people prayed for this

Comments on this Prayer

Never give up the lord see ur pain and he will fix it for u. Just keep praying for his help. I no its hard on you to c this happin and can't do anything to help. Just try to get ur mom n dad to pray with u n if u ask u will recive.

Lord im coming back to u | on Jul 13, 2010

Dear Lord, I lift this family up to you and ask that you provide them a home. Help ease their financial woes and bring them closer to you and closer as a family during this time of trial. Lord you are the truth and the way, please guide them and place your Holy hands on this family. Give Jonathan strength to comfort his little brothers and help his mother regain her strength to eat. Comfort his father and give them hope. I ask this in Jesus' name, Amen. | on Jul 13, 2010


janiceaSonshine | on Jul 13, 2010

Bless you Jonathan, I'm so sorry you are going through this and your family, I understand though what you all are going through, we are in the same situation for three years now, please if you can have your family read the psalms it really helped us and if your mom or dad could come here to pray it would be wonderful cause having people who will help with prayers and holding each other up is what Jesus was telling us, and it helps to make it through the hard times. I want to also give you this scripture for your family we have it on our wall: Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you", declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future".

May God bless you and your family

It's going to be ok Jonathan, trust Jesus he is watching over you.
If you need help anytime I and other praying people will be here for you, to uplift and hold you, remember God loves you.

cat | on Jul 13, 2010

Thank you all so much. My family prays everyday. I'm hoping that everything will be normal again.

Jonathan | on Jul 13, 2010

Your welcome and it will get better, your a wonderful son and your family is so blessed to have you :)

May the lord bless you and keep you safe

cat | on Jul 14, 2010

Hi child of God. I was thinking about u n your family and i hope all is going okay. And Jesus name amen.

Lord im coming back to u | on Jul 29, 2010

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