Prayer Request

Lord, a few days ago I came to you with a hurt soul, because my family was falling apart because we were going to lose our house, and today, you've made a miracle happen. We have a better chance to keep our home, which means my mom has stopped crying and is eating again, and my dad stopped smoking. THANK YOU LORD, I've got tears of happiness writing this prayer. THANK YOU for everybody who prayed for us, thank you!

by Jonathan

Pray Pray

6 people prayed for this

Comments on this Prayer

Praise God. Thank you for sharing. God bless you.

soldado da vitoria | on Jun 29, 2010

I knew God would come through to help and he did =]

Jonathan | on Jun 29, 2010

Our Father is awesome and we know nothing is impossible with our Lord!

sinner | on Jun 29, 2010

I am praising God with you as well. Please continue to share with us the final outcome. There are several of us following and agreeing in prayer for your family and your house.

janiceaSonshine | on Jun 29, 2010

Praise the Lord! | on Jun 30, 2010

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