Prayer Request

Dear God my mouth is hurting frm my teeth n maybe an infection we dont have money right now to go to the dentist I have five kids under 7yrs old found out They dont have medical help us b OK haven't gotten paycheck n 3wks bills r behind help us to trust u for I know it can b worse help my kids b OK n my teeth n no infection help the nation heal n help us to continually pray for r nation protect n gaurd marriages n families heal broken hearts n sickness amen

by stephanie,ky

Pray Pray

18 people prayed for this

Comments on this Prayer

I know how hard tooth pain is to handle. I've dealt with infection, root canals etc...many times and found it very hard to live with. Do any of the universities that study dentistry in Kentucky, offer free work? I am praying for you:)

Anonymous | on Jul 13, 2010

That's a good idea. Contact the Universities and tell them your families situation. They may help.

Ron L. | on Jul 14, 2010

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