Prayer Request

Father, protect me from being deceived by false teaching tomorrow as I am forced to go to a church that preaches heresy. May I stay focused on You the whole time, using the hour to pray to You. Help me endure sitting through that hour as it is not only heretical but also one of the most boring things I know. Father, I ask that You save my parents. I ask also that You help me endure until I go off to college and finally get to attend a biblical church, River City Church. May River City Church continue to grow and Pastors Brett and Jake be kept from error. In Jesus' precious name, amen.

by Bri ([email hidden from spammers])

Pray Pray

12 people prayed for this

Comments on this Prayer

Bri, I always pray for you an dwhom you pray for. I can only say at my age I have learned that God is found in the heart not in a building. The storm and trials of life are not found in just writting but in living. God bless

nila tx, witness | on Jul 11, 2010

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