Prayer Request

Lord may You be sufficient for me. May I yearn for You and long to know You more. May that be the sole desire of my heart. No matter what happens to me for the remainder of my life may I be satisfied with knowing that I have You and realize that You are all I truly need. I pray all of this for everyone who reads this as well. In Jesus' name, amen.

by Bri (Thanks SO much for praying!)

Pray Pray

13 people prayed for this

Comments on this Prayer

Amen! I pray this for u and myself. Beautiful prayer thank u!

joi | on Dec 29, 2009

Praying this for you. Thanks for praying for me. This prayer was inspired by a sermon I listened to and highly recommend that you check out. It's called "The Question" and it's part of a series entitled "Heart Matters" by Pastor Matt Chandler of the Village Church (who has recently been diagnosed with brain cancer; please pray for him).

Bri (Thank you SO much for praying!) | on Dec 29, 2009

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