Prayer Request

Dear God hes heading back to Cali where that girl he took to breakfast is he says he ain't going over there to c her n wants load back out ASAP I feel sick to my stomach on verge of tears I dont like it I want to scream I dont trust him I dont trust her I dont know if I can do this stay married I hurt my heart breaks I know others have it worse then me God plz Help me I need u ease my heart protect my marriage protect my family bring my son home safely frm grandpa's n TN amen

by stephanie,ky

Pray Pray

13 people prayed for this

Comments on this Prayer

I pray for you my sister, I pray that you and your husband can stick together and be faithful together! You need to trust one another! Temptation is strong but pray together!!! Separation is not an answer You two have made a comintment with each other and have wonderful blessings together including your beautiful children hang in there sister!!!! Ill be praying on my knee's with You! God bless!!!!
Your sister from California!

*-Lauren-*, CA | on Jul 08, 2010

Pray a hedge of thorns around you husband look in Hosea that any other woman will lose interest in him completeley

Anonymous | on Jul 09, 2010

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