Prayer Request

Father, I ask that You would send me some Christian friends, if not here then at least at NDSU when I go there this August. Please help me endure until then, as I am so anxious to get out of this house and finally be able to practice my faith openly. I ask that You would help me find purpose this summer, as I feel as if I am wasting my summer away. Lord, please soften my parents' hearts; may they be saved. I pray also for my future suitemates (Rachelle, Heather, Olivia, and Emma). May we all get along, but most importantly, if any of them are not saved, may they come to saving faith in Jesus Christ.

May I become close to You again, and may You be more than enough for me. In Jesus' precious name I pray, amen.

by Bri ([email hidden from spammers])

Pray Pray

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Comments on this Prayer

I am praying for the sane thing - i think id be so much happier

in jesus name amen

alex | on Jul 06, 2010

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