Prayer Request

Praying for a GODLY woman.The bible states a Godly woman is worth more than silver or gold.

by stryper

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13 people prayed for this

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Gods Child | on Jul 05, 2010

I feel you Stryper... lately I feel like women at church aren't really any different from 'Worldly' women as far as what they value most in men. I imagine that we (Christians) would have a different set of standards/values as followers of Jesus. Sometimes it seems like its easier to date a worldly girl who believes in Jesus rather than a girl who is active in church and a follower of Christ. Anyways, keep your head up, I will pray for you.

Life Lover | on Jul 05, 2010

Thanks your right sometimes I can't tell either and that's scary to me thats why I left the worldly women alone only to be passed by (Christian) women I try not to judge sometimes I don't understand

stryper | on Jul 05, 2010

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