Prayer Request

All I wanted was to have a good positive reassuring conversation with Gilbert it ended up being the complete opposite I don't understand it I waited hoped wished and prayed and this is what I get? Im angry, sad optimistic and flattered!? Why you know like I Do That what he said was a lie Please just let it be one of his "tests" again please restore our relationship remind us both of the love we share let him come to me, let him contact me please restore our relationship want we had is good real please you know my hearts desire please I beg you also please don't let him delete me from MySpace, MySpace IM or yahoo its our only way of communication right now since he's in Afghanistan please keep him safe from Batman's temptation keep him faithful to me and keep his faith strong both of ours remind him of the love he said he had for me bring hi. Home to reunite himself once again with me and his family let us finally get married to eachother when he gets back.

I pray for gabby she needs you please be with her, please help our parents understand and be supportive and thank you for helping her in Her decision to have this baby please bless her and baby and help me help her provide for us so we can move out provide her boyfriend with a stable job to help her. I pray for my dad to have work available for my family snd Gilbert's family thank you for all your blessings please continue to bless us all with love health and happiness. I pray everyone cones back normal from my tests please let it be normal don't let me have bacterial vaginosis or anything at all please let my urologist appointment go well also nothing wring there Please I pray for Anas dad for her and Juan Enid and john pinky and her son crystals dad heather Melissa family And everyone who needs you I leave it all in your hands my relationship with Gilbert my hopes, dreams, wants and needs everything. Thank you for bringing Gilbert back to me please restore our relationship help us bless us font let him delete or ignore me virgin Mary virgin of talpa St Anthony and all the saints Thank you for ministering and please continue to Do so in my behalf in Jesus holy name I pray amen

by praying for a second chance

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