Prayer Request

Lord im still confused, dont know if i should stay with my husband or not. He really said horrible things to me, and as hard as i try...i find it so hard to forgive him. Please renew me, guide me and take this anger away. In Jesus name...amen.

by Anonymous

Pray Pray

4 people prayed for this

Comments on this Prayer

I pray for you too, my sister. Its not easy, I know because I have a Husband who hurts me too....not physically, but with words, and unfaithfullness. I'm no Angel, and in the past I've hurt him too. But now I'm forgiven and I. Have to forgive my Husband too. Satan knows how much he means to you, and he wants to destroy that bond. But God is bigger then Satan. Stand on God's promises, he will not forsake you. God Bless You.

His Life 4 Me | on Jul 02, 2010

My husband is very hurtful to me and has moved half way across the US. I miss him and want him home where we could get help and work on our marriage. Please try to work out your differences and continue to pray for your husband and marriage.

Deb | on Jul 02, 2010

I think God would want you to love your husband.

racinjim6 | on Jul 02, 2010

Thank you for your comments it seems like God answers me thru people like you. Thsee words have encouraged me gratly. God bless u all.

Anonymous | on Jul 02, 2010

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