Prayer Request

I pray for healing over my husband. I declare in Jesus' name that by tomorrow morning he will have no more sickness or pink eye. I declare this minor setback will not interrupt any plans from you. I pray his sickness will not spread unto others, especially our 10 month old. Keep a protection over us God. Holy Spirit, i pray you guide us as we leave to drive across 4 states tomorrow. I pray you guide others driving around us as well. Keep us safe, protected, and healthy on this trip, Lord. I pray as i visit my family that they wonldnt be numb to the light i carry inside me. I pray that when i go to the church ive researched in their area, that they will go with me. I pray that it will become their new home church. Lord, i trust in you and have no worries for what comes ahead and i know i will stay protected, but i still ask for the gift of more faith. I love you Jesus and i thank you for what you died for. Amen.

by *Danielle*

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