Prayer Request

My precious father, please pour the blood of Jesus, and ur protection on my three precious blessing I, P, AND N, as they spend this weekend with their dad, keep away all harm and Break every plan of the devil upon my children and bless all their meals this weekend just in case they forget to give u thanksgiving for ur provisions, have ur angels watching over them as they sleep, wake. Up and give them joy, peace, and love for one another,me, their dad, and older sisters forever . Give unto them they joy only u can give with their father u have blessed them with here in earth. Cover their eyes and ears from all evil, give them desernment, wisdom to choose what is of u and righteousness, knowledge to know, and courage to always do what is right before ur eyes. Let them glorify and give honor to only u, my lord. O God, please forgive me if I do wrong for allowing them to enter an adulterous home, yet, u know my heart, soften my husband's heart, convicting him with godly sorrows, shame, and repentance first to u then to the family u blessed him with while my children witness to his adulterous lifestyle. Though u know my heart they still deserve to spend time with their father. Please let ur will b upon my children and put a hedge of protection while they stay in that other woman house!!!!father u know all things in my heart right now! I am believing and trusting in u!!! LUV U LORD AND THANK U!!!
In Jesus precious name I pray. Amen amen and amen
Thank u jesus

by foreverloved

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