Prayer Request

Dear God I pray that you fully restore my relationship with Gilbert. Thank you so much for bringing him back to me, because he finally contacted me and because he added me back, Please don't let him delete me again I beg you. I pray and beg he doesn't block me and that we get to talk this week we haven't been able to talk please allow us to do so and for it to be a good positive uplifting reassuring conversation Please make everything ok again Please let him apologize for the message he sent me even know you and I both know I forgave him and I trusted in you to bring him back and I trust that YOU will restore our relationship like you have done in the past. Please restore trust and communication thank you for fixing my webcam I pray That it doesn't stop working and That we get to talk and see eachother on cam soon please keep him safe in Afghanistan and bring him home safe and sound to me and his family. Please remind him of the love we share and make our love stronger each day and please allow us to be able to get married when he returns you know my hearts desire also please help my sister in her decision please help my parents be supportive and understanding if she decides to keep the baby help me help her aswell help the baby's father Gabriel find a job so he can help provide and help my sister and I get an apartment we can afford. I leave it all in yours hands may your work be done I also pray for everyone who needs you the list is countless but you know who They are. Ana and juan, enid and john my dad having work pinky and her son melissas family may her grandma Rip and be with you our grandparents health and may my grandpa juaquin be with u Rip for my friendship with cynthia karen and javi crystals dad stephanies grandma and all who need you please hear them i also pray gilbert does not delete me from myspace, or yahoo or myspace im and adds me back on facebook silly i know but please phone calls and the internet is our only way of communication when hes away protect him my cousin Patty and all our troops bring them home safe and soon Please keep Gilbert family as well as mine safe from harm as well as our relationship keep us faithful to each other and away from temptation always and increase our faith in you everyday more thank you for all your blessings and please forgive me/ us for all our sins help us become better guide us always virgin Mary, virgin of talpa, St Anthony and all the saints thank you for bringing Gilbert back to me for ministering in my behalf Please continue to do so I beg you may Jesus work be done not my work but his always in Jesus name I pray amen

by praying for a second chance

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