Prayer Request

Lord, I'm falling apart slowly. I don't wanna cry anymore. I know I said that I'm gonna put it all in ur hands but somehow I stl have doubts. Lord pls help me have more faith in u and know that you're there watching me and helping me. Pls clear my head and give me the strength to do what you want me to do. Help me be the best person I can be and pls give me even just a little hint to keep going. Lord I'm tired but I know that you won't let me down. You've always been there and I thank you everyday for the blessing of being here and experiencing how life is. Lord I need you now most. I know ron is preparing for his final but I hope that somehow he's thinking about me. Lord, its so hard not having him in my life so I pray with all of my heart and soul that you grant me the wish I've asked for. Pls let this week go by fast and when I see ron nxt week, I pray that that time will be the time ive been looking forward to. Thank you for this day. Pls be with my family always. Amen.

by bee g.

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