Prayer Request

Lord please listen to me closer than ever tonight.. my neice Hailey is just a baby, she needs your help more than ever as the family recieved bad news today, the cancer has spread to her lungs. Please help her. Heal her.. chemo and radiation have been hard on her parents. Please give her mom the strength to deal with what may lie ahead.

by veronica

Pray Pray

14 people prayed for this

Comments on this Prayer

Oh my goodness I will be praying for her. I hope that you are ok. I am really sorry to hear that news.

Anonymous | on Jun 30, 2010

I have three children of my own all whom are the age of two or younger, and I could not imagine what that family is going through. I will keep this prayer with me for a long time.

KM11 | on Jun 30, 2010

LORD plz heal the baby. U said by YOUR stripes we r heal'd. U said n LUKE 1:37, For with GOD nothing shall be impossible. LORD I'm speak'n YOUR word ova the baby n the family. N JESUS name i pray. AMEN.

SLManning | on Jun 30, 2010

Thank you all for your kind words and prayers. All we can do is hope and keep our faith in God.

veronica | on Jul 01, 2010

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