Prayer Request

Dear God.Will you Please help me to forget my ex girlfriend, she already after we seperate has a other and that hurts me so much. Lord will you Please help me to forgive everything that she has done. Will u Please fill the empty holl she left behind. Fill my hart with your love and help me with my struggle against seksual temptations lord i pray in Jezus name. Amen

by Gj

Pray Pray

7 people prayed for this

Comments on this Prayer

Hey ., I'm sure she loves you . This is a similar situation that I'm in . Expect I'm the girl who moved on . :/ its not easy . Don't for one sec thiink she doesn't care its prolly what's best for her right now ... or what she belives is. & remember god is close to the brokenhearted trust in him. Hope I can give yu some closure and maybee yu could do the same.. yur loving sister in christ :)!!

M. Royalty | on Jun 28, 2010

Everything will turn out okay. Romans 8:28 :)

Anonymous | on Jun 28, 2010

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