Prayer Request

Dear Lord, I need you! My heart is broken and I am missing my ex wife! I humbly ask that you send you Holy Spirit to comfort me for I need Your strenght! I am weak and You are strong! Lord, I didn't want this divorce, but I still love ex wife! I am lost in grief and sorrow over the lost of my ex wife. I humbly ask if it be Your will to reconcile our difference between ex wife and myself. That we recreate our love and marriage in the image of Christ and his church. In Your Son, Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen

by Wildcat

Pray Pray

13 people prayed for this

Comments on this Prayer

I pray God sends you comfort and that you will forgive yourself as well. I pray that you will speak from the Spirit to your wife. I pray you will have peace. Amen.

Walking in faith | on Jun 28, 2010

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