Prayer Request
Lord I thank you for all that you have done for me and for all that I have. I pray for guidance, direction, peace, protection and financial blessings. That I will be blessed with a good job, a home of my own, a car, and a good wife. I pray that you bring healing and mending to a broken relationship. I feel this is the woman you have for me. If she is not, please help me to move on. If she is the one for me give me a sign and bless us. I pray for wisdom on making decisions, courage and strength. I pray that I am covered by the blood of Jesus and filled with the Holy Spirit. I pray that the right kind of people are brought in my life. Lord please lead me to where you want me to live and prosper me. Please take away all the things out my life that has been hindering me. Please tear down and break any strongholds that the Devil has on my life. I pray for good health and a blessed life and that my thoughts be filled with peace. Amen
by Anonymous Pray 6 people prayed for this
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