Prayer Request

Lord as you prepare today to look over us to make us safe I pray that you guide Dr Tally like you have so many other times. PLEASE give my friends and family the strenghth to get through this surgery. I know I have not been a modeled disciple but I believe, I believe your plan has been set since before I was born but I believe that you can make it better. I understand that I'm not the only one and that people have it far worst but if you have any spare miracles today I could sure use one. I love you lord and please help my wife, my mom, my father, and my sister to stay strong today. Oh and if my wife may be pregnant please protect my child should you decide that it is my time, I know I have been difficult to deal with. And finally the shorter we can make this visit the better but I understand you can't make any promises but you are the only one I can turn too . AMEN!

by Surgery in FLA

Pray Pray

7 people prayed for this

Comments on this Prayer

I hope it all goes well

praying for a second chance | on Jun 24, 2010

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