Prayer Request

Father God, I have laid here alnite not able 2 sleep. My heart is heavy. I have so much on my mind. If he not goin 2 luv me totally let me b strong enough 2 walk away pleaz take this pain frm me. Im not worthy 2 b luved. Father God hold me tight and show me the era of my ways. I have struggled all my life. My dad neva showed me luv. Am I suppose 2 b alone. Pleaz show me Father so I can stop bein hurt by men. I just feel like givin up. Thnk u Father God 4 listenin 2 my pain.

by sum1 pleaz pray 4 me

Pray Pray

7 people prayed for this

Comments on this Prayer

You r not alone, I also have those issues. I will stand with you in prayer and blessings. Amen

Jax | on Jun 05, 2010

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