Prayer Request

Thank you kind and gracious father. Please forgive me for my sins heavenly father.I love you Jesus more then any words can express. You gave me life you gave me hope and most of all I received mercy and grace. I know my situation looks bad to me but to you that storm must obey. You can calm any sea with just a spoken word. When you speak the heavens listen. When you love we are given mercy. There is nothing on this earth that you don't know about. Everything was created and made by you. Your children are one with you. Just as your father is in you, you are in us. I wish to think like you father to praise like you and love like you. You are my Lord my king my salvation my heart my provider and my God. I pray father that you have mercy on my soul and give me grace. Give me the faith I need to be strong. Amen

by candice

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