Prayer Request

DEAR HEAVENLY FATHER, pray for me that i wake up with a smile on my face.IF i wake up with a ugly face that isn't going to solve anything.I want to be graceful with all my heart and let out my feelings.I always want to wake up and express my feelings.Sometimes i get mad at people because they bother me and i don't like that one bit.I just want to have a happy life. When People talk about you in a mean way, don't take it seriously, just walk away or tell somebody.Never let people talk about you, no matter what they say or do.In heavenly father,AMEN!!!!!!

by Anonymous

Pray Pray

6 people prayed for this

Comments on this Prayer

This is the best prayer I ever heard in my whole life.

tatyana | on Nov 17, 2009

dont.worry about what oth
er people say or think..i m sure u r a beautiful person.

christy | on Nov 17, 2009

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