Prayer Request

Pray fasle toungues risen aganist, they blame us all the day. They look down on us all, pray for household enemy and household wickness, rellation bully and credit hog, for the traps and plans , exlectations of enemy, telepathly evil, pest problems, be highly favor, postion for success, do are best be our best and expect the best and accept the best. They want us all to be bond seveants. Forgivess, to forgive others be wise and clam. We goes unnotice repressed to many. Increase our funds and give abundance. Protection and love aganist the hater, nay discourages, . They invovle us within their lovelife, crimes, sins, interest, debt, fininacal issues and struggles, emotional needs, spirirtal needs physcial needs. They alway filling us with fear and wicked, sinful deeds, creelers, extortion, lykng, quick rich schemes, debts deliver from them and let us paid them off, and people whom cause debt. Negative thougths, give postive thougth thought of success.restore all all.

by Anonymous

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