Prayer Request

My 8 year old nephew wakes up in his sleep crying and screaming that people are after him.. He tells to get them then people away from him.. It's heart breaking.. We called the ambulance they say it's night terrors.. His vitals are good.. So they didn't see a need to take him to the hospital.. By after they left he did it again after he fell back to sleep.. He was taken to the hospital this morning because he was sent home from school sick.. He tested positive for a bad case of strep throat.. Please help us pray for him to get better fast!! I have anointing oil my dad gave me before he passed away and I just prayed over it and anointed each doorway of the bedrooms and the front door.. We are praying for Jesus to cover my nephew and this house with the blood he shed upon the cross for us.. Please will you pray with us? This baby boy loves Jesus so much and believes in him so much.. This morning before he went to the hospital he was crying out to Jesus to heal him saying please God help me please make me better please God help me! I never heard him do this before.. It's all so heartbreaking.. Our family is here spending the night tonight at my mom's.. We all prayed together for him.. And now we are all praying individually for him and won't stop until our precious boy is better!! We believe in God we know what he can do we know without a doubt Jesus died upon the cross for us.. For my nephew!! And by his stipes he is healed by the Mighty Name of Jesus!! Thank you for your prayers.. God bless you all

by Anonymous

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