Prayer Request

Father god, i praise you, and thank you for your answers to prayer. Praise you that my older brother is attempting to quit smoking. I pray that his wife will do the same. Lead him to seek medical help. There are lots of stop smoking aids available now days.

Help him, and his wife, to make it through the cravings. May he heed my advice and when a craving hits!! It'll last only 3 minutes! Hold out and drink water to flush the nicotine out of the system. Intense cravings will subside after 3 minutes.

God, praise you for delivering me and my husband from smoking. For me, 5 years smoke free! And my husband, 7 years.

Encourage others that they can permanently leave cigarettes behind. Smoking eventually destroys health.

I love you and praise you lord jesus.


Smoking kills!

by Anonymous

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