Prayer Request

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank you for another day of life. Thank you for everything you have done for my family and I. I thank you for everything that you have done and continue to do for us. Father I come to you now and ask you that you help me qualify and pass tomorrow without any issues. Please help the rumors and gossip to cease. I also ask that you help me to earn and apply what I am taught as well as to stop second guessing myself. Please remove all the stress of my shoulders and help me with the finances. I ask Father that you help that certain person get off my back and help me with my communication issues at work. Father I ask that you help my dad and bless him and help him get more clients and work and take the stress of his shoulders. I also ask that you help my wife and I with our businesses and help them flourish. I ask that you please help me get out of my profession and work for myself. Please help us sell our home, find the right one in our favorite state and move. I ask all these things in your name Jesus. Amen

Brothers and sisters pray for us. Let's all pray for one another. The more we pray for each other the better the results. I have done amazing things I couldn't do without the help of others praying for me. God bless you all!

by Anonymous

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