Prayer Request

Father God you know my situation with Justin he's been. In the county Jail almost 6 months, because I can't pay the bond. I don't know why it's so high he's never been in any kind of trouble. I finally met with a lawyer last week that I believe will truly work in justins best interest and try and truly help us. The time I spent with him talking he has the best strategy that I have come across since I have been meeting with lawyers. His fee is up there with the others 10,000$. But he will split it in payments. Father Mr. Yokum mention to me that he has done juvenile case's with he didn't make any money that was his way of giving back. He kept talking about how young Justin is and that he feels 19 & 20yr olds are still just babies. And that's what he said about Justin. Lord I'm going to make another appointment with him. And truly speak from a mother's heart and ask him to please take this case as a way to give back and if you can't do that . maybe he will let me have a long payment plan. Father please speak to his heart I know he is a Godly man. He told me during the visit that he was going to pray for Justin and if he took the case he would treat Justin as if he was his own son. And I believe him. We really need this lawyer Father God please open this door in Jesus name Amen.

by jaju

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