Prayer Request
Lord please guide me in the right direction. I'm having difficult times in my relationship with my woman. I feel a lot of hurt inside, please lift me and my spirits up, for I am becoming weak. I'm trying to stay positive, and stay focused on me working more steady. It's hard to rid of the pain. I love her so much ! Amen !
by RichC Pray 8 people prayed for this
Comments on this Prayer
My friend, I am in your position. I am in love with a woman, such a beautiful woman, who loves me back.. who's family keeps me from her, and her from I. I know what it feels like.
Know this: trust in the Lord with your whole heart, and you shall be blessed in your entirety. :) Amen.
Revan ([email hidden from spammers]) | on May 05, 2010
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