Prayer Request

Heavenly Father forgive me of my sins. My son is in trouble with the law. He now sits in jail not knowing anything he waits for a court apppointed lawyer, while I'm trying to find him a private one. He's a good kid just made a wrong choice to be in the wrong place at the wrong time with a bad idea. Lord help my son I pray they don't send him to prison for a long stay.. In praying for defferred probation, he's never been in trouble before. Keep him safe while he's there in jail the bond is to high to even get him home for now. I'm praying for the bond to be lowered. And for him to keep his head up and be strong. He said he had already asked you door forgiveness and repented of what he did. He calls me so please allow me to continue to have funds to pay for the calls. Thank you Jesus for hearing my prayer in Jesus Name amen

by jaju

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