Prayer Request

I would like that if you gods children pray for me, I don't know how it happened but I fall behind slipping away from God, I wasn't planning like that to happened. But I don't want to be with out God I want him to be in my heart I want to walk with God feet to feet I want to come close to him, I need help to come close to God I want to be with him and no one else, I want me and my family to serve Jesus and be his children's. PLEASE LIFT A PRAY FOR ME, AND GIVE ADVISE IF YOU CAN

by Anonymous

Pray Pray

13 people prayed for this

Comments on this Prayer

We have all cone short of the glory of God. But his amazing love that came to us through his son is assurance to us who have sinned. You confessed and now turn away and walk in his path. You are here praying so you are on the right path. We are human and sinful but through our Lord Jesus our sins can be washed away in the sea of forgetfulness. Our Lord reigns. Amen

sinner | on Apr 30, 2010

Thank you. Its good to know but keep me in your pray every Fay if you can thank you and God bless

Anonymous | on Apr 30, 2010

I will continue to pray for you. Stay strong in the Lord.

sinner | on May 02, 2010

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