Prayer Request

Dear Heavenly Father this is your daughter Lalesha, seeking you to come and sit beside me, I need you father, for right now, I do not know what I did. if I sinned against you I'm sorry, please forgive me, and I would ask that he forgives me too. I know that I am not as clean as I should be, and I know that I am sinner, and I know that I will always be a sinner, but through you I will be safe, as long as I ask you to forgive I ask again in your holy name - please forgive me, for I have sinned against you and I'm sorry I ask that you would be with me in guidance through this day and lead me not a temptation, for it is written in the book of life that I am saved... thank you lord for everything you've done for me, family, and my friends. And I asked that you lead me not into temptation.. for a sinner of in flesh and I'm trying to walk by faith and not by sight for the glory of your name I say these things that are true in your name I pray amen

by Anonymous

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Comments on this Prayer

Standing in agreement with you, In Jesus Name... AMEN

Oma\'s Gnomes | on Jul 29, 2015

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