Prayer Request

Dear God. Thank you for everything you have blessed myself and my family with. I appreciate all the love and forgivness you have showed me. I ask that you continue to show that love and help guide me to you forever.
I have a question about forgiveness. Somebody stole from me, something very valuable and as a result, next month my cell phone bill will be about 400.00 more. I cannot afford this, especially since i lost my job a couple weeks ago. Lord, I need to keep my phone on so I can find jobs and I have a little girl. I want to forgive this person for stealing from me and ask that you have mercy on her. I was in the process of gathering info to sue her mother, as she is a minor.
My question is, if i forgive her, can i still sue her? Can i forgive her in my heart, but still sue her for justice. This is a tough situation and i need the money. Please help me decide. I love You with all my heart. In Jesus name, Amen.

by ctmusic

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