Prayer Request

Dear lord I pray to u again. I just want this stressful time in my life to be over. We started renting a house only to find it sold so we have to move again. Please help us find something decent and affordable. Also please help us find a car. Our van was totalled in an accident and we r down to one car. I just wish everything would fall into place. Please lord help me! Amen.

by jody

Pray Pray

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Comments on this Prayer

I know what you are going through. My husband and I have been in several car accidents. We have gone through about 3 cars because they were totaled. Now we suffer with lower back pains and neck pains. We are trying to find a house to rent that is affordable and will except our dogs. We live with my mom but my grandmother moved in and she wants us out. It sucks that we are being kicked out by a family member, we have a month to magically get enough money and find a place to rent. I'm with you on being really stressed out. I hope the lord will help you and I both out. Meanwhile I will pray for you. Lots of luck to you. In Jesus name I will pray for you amen.

blessed one | on Apr 23, 2010

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