Prayer Request

Thank you God for you, for the Holy Trinity, for all your heavenly angels, for all the saints. Thank you for life. Thank you for always being there in my life,for your mercy, for your patience with me, for you love, for your protection over my family and I and more so for your forgiveness of my sins. I thank you for all your people all over the world and all different cultures and nations because it sure makes the world a heck of a beautiful colourful place to me. Thank you for Prayer for it helps me to communicate my joys and concerns to you without worry of network problems :) . Thank you for your Word for it guides me, scolds me when I am wrong, heals my spirit, protects me from my enemies and advices me and encourages me to be a better person. Thank you for being my father and my parent in life, for you scold me lovingly in order to help me see my wrongs and teach me to right them, you never answer all my prayers as a good parent should because you want what is best for me and teach me to practise gratefullness for the things I have because we can never fully possess the world but we can sure inherit heaven when we try our level best to live life loving others as you love us. I know I never show you how much you mean to me but know that I love you and am grateful that I have you by my side to count on.Have mercy on the prayers of your people, have mercy on our souls. Amen.

by Prayerful Woman

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