Prayer Request

Lord, my husband and I are feeling a disconnect. He plays video games when he gets home from work until bed. He breaks for dinner, but brings his phone to the table and plays games or reads articles through the meal. If I try to make conversation, he says he's listening, but continues to scroll on his phone. He insists again that he is listening, but he misses some of what I say. Then he wonders why I seem so distant. We have been through this on and off for 15 years. He is defensive about it. If he can't see on his own what damage is done by this neglect, how am I to make it known? I'm so weary of this prayer. This is your issue. Please heal my heart.

by Anonymous

Pray Pray

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Comments on this Prayer

Please be strong and keep on praying and is it not our burden as women to pray for our men no matter how unfair it is to be the only ones who seemingly carry those burdens in the relationships. You are a good woman, full of love and caring to your spouse. Quieten your mind and soul. Let God be your strength through all this and let go for Him to help just a little way through in carrying your cross for you. Do not let it bother you anymore. Be quiet yourself and let not the things that your husband do get to you. He may do these things on purpose, you never know, but instead of complaining if he is on the phone or doing something while you are at the dinner table then read your bible too when eating your meal or just something light to make you smile and see for a week or even a month what kind of reaction you get from him, let nothing he does bother you anymore. If he leaves a mess then put it on his side of the bed do so quietly without fighting, if he asks you then you say you don't know who put the mess there. Never fight or argue or nag him anymore, give him what he wants and see where it goes. Either way be strong, continue to pray and God will sort out his childish ways.

Prayerful Woman | on Apr 27, 2015

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