Prayer Request

Dearest Lord Jesus- please forgive me of my sins. Lord Jesus this addiction to pills is way to powerful than me. They say that addiction is a disease, and that I am powerless over it. That feels about right, but if that is the case then there is nothing I can do. I can do nothing but you can heal me of this addiction and my ADHD. I believe you can do anything Lord. I often wonder am I meant to suffer these torments because they sometimes overwhelm me to the point of despair. I just got my daughter back from DHS and I don't ever want to lose again. Please help me Lord Jesus please let me raise this wonderful child you have given me. In Jesus Name I Pray Amen

by Anonymous

Pray Pray

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Comments on this Prayer

You can and will beat the addiction! Your faith and trust in The Lord is to treated with respect and sincerity. It's important to pray for strength and support. The Lord will guid and protect you if You put forth "effort"... Nothing worth wile is easy, but you will succeed with trust, faith, and a daily forward effort to conquer your goal! In his name, this is the word of the Lord, Amen

Anonymous | on Apr 21, 2015

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