Psalm 34:18 (MSG)
If your heart is broken, you’ll find God right there; if you’re kicked in the gut, he’ll help you catch your breath.
Oh GOD today was a battle I called 3 other women who are real sick or just down from surgery to give them encouragement. I visited and read scripture to my home bound mom. I praised you all day GOD with songs of worship. I studied your word and prayed for others. What am I missing that I fell short of your will. My daughter and I seem to be losing my husband to the enemy again. He gets close to you and then turns his back on you once again GOD. Each time this happens the attacks of the enemy through him seem to hurt more and more. Keep me and my daughter stead fast and stronger each day. You told me to wait and you would deliver him. Please GOD I know I don't deserve to ask anything else of you because you already made the ultimate sacrifice for me. But please hurry and set him free while we have such a short time left here on earth. I know together we could accomplish great things for your kingdom. Hear my prayers oh my Awesome King Lord God. In Jesus name Amen.
God has a plan for him. just keep bringing him to God. god loves to do things when we least expect them in ways that are so amazing