Prayer Request

Dear Father in Heaven I thank U for this day which has turned into night. I leave my worries, burdens, trials and tribulations at the alter for U to work out for me. I know that in the end it will be alright. My heart is where I want U to live now and forever. I understand why U do the things for me now. U want me to have the best and if that means me being hurt, growing tired and weary it will all be worth it in the end. My heart is enlightened at the thought of me going to Heaven one day. Until that day Father I will wait til I see U desending on a mighty cloud. I give myself away so U can use me as U see fit. I'm just a vessel in an image of U. Continue to bless and love my family and myself as U have done so many times before. Guide, protect, forgive, provide, love, walk with, and most of all bless us Father. Bless Tim, keep him safe and protect him from hurt, harm and danger...All these I pray in the Holy Name of My Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen

by jadequeen

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