Prayer Request

Precious father i come to u with a humble heart askin you to place your hands on me and my family..i ask that u bless us father to health,it seems as if everyone is sick,Jesus give us strength allow us to come together more often as a family w.o akwardness or fighting..father God you sed ask and we shall receive. Im callin on you tonite Lord for an individual prayer as well, i messed up in a way that i cnt explain..father i need my friendship bak the way it was intended to be..the devil came and tried to take over, i held on to my faith and prayed it away..i ask now father that you please guide my heart, help me to b the person i was and help him as that we can continue to live our lives as friends, its been over 10 yrs and i wont let the devil ruin our over me Lord guard my heart..I love u precious father i kno u'll never leave me nor forsake me, in your name Jesus i pray..Amen.

by Beautifully_Blessed

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