Prayer Request

Dear God;

Thank u for knowing who u r and all you have done for me. For sending your only son to die on the cross for everyones sins. This year Ive grown a great deal in Christ. I pray that I continue to grow in Christ. I've have along way to go but I know I have you on my side and that you'll help me overcome my trials and tribulations and in the end I'll have the victory.

I pray for thoes that doesn't know you, thoes who r seeking your help, and thoes that need to grow in Christ. May the blood of Jesus cover them.


In Jesus name I pray Amen!

by Sammie

Pray Pray

5 people prayed for this

Comments on this Prayer

Amen, great prayer! God bless

nila tx, witness | on Apr 17, 2010

Thank u too... God bless u

Sammie | on Apr 17, 2010

Thank you

sweetlove | on Apr 18, 2010

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