Prayer Request

Father god in heaven help me today lord forgive me for any sins I may have committed please help me thru this tough time my wife had ran out again leaving with our four children. We miss her so much but she dont care and wants to move on but we have a family and should stick it out. Please touch her heart lord and allow her to see our pain. Father we need her and will continue to pray for her deliverances. please pray with me family, cuz we sure can use it no sleep bcuz we worry about her so much amen

by Child of God

Pray Pray

7 people prayed for this

Comments on this Prayer

You are a child of God. Know he gears your prayers! Lord jesus just touch this lady tonight lord. Give her a burden to love her family lord Jesus. Bind Satan from her life and this marriage. Lord make this a fireproof marriage testimony to this world of your love for your church Jesus.

Thank you lord for hearing our prayers bring them your peace tonight and woo them to sleep in your arms this evening trusting that your working on his wides heart.

In Jesus name.

And lord I pray for my future spouse as you have promised be in Isaiah 62:4-5. I pray you bring it about soon father. I long for a beautiful arriage to glorify you together as a team!!!
In Jesus name I lift these requests to you! Knowing you hear them and are working even now!!

Please make it a quick work in all of our lives for your glory to be remembered all of our lives as milestones. Like Joshua 3 states to place stones of rememberamce for future generations to ask about your working in our lives!!

Amen we live you lord!!

Anonymous | on Apr 17, 2010

Father touch this women heart and show her that's her place is at home with her husband and children. In Jesus name amen

THANKFUL | on Apr 17, 2010

I love you guys, U are my brothers and sisters in Christ

Child of God | on Apr 21, 2010

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