Prayer Request

Goodnite lord as I lay down to sleep watch over me, fill my soul with your warmth and tenderness love oh lord, restore the energy for another long day at work tomorrow, love,protect, and forgive everyone, that's posting prayers tonite and for those that aren't able to post an prayer. Lord I ask you to let them no that you acknowledge, as they has acknowledge you lord there's a lot of lost souls lord, lord I pray that you touch, heal, and forgive each and every last one of us lord, it would be selfish to pray only for myself lord, my soul want let me be that selfish, so lord touch us all tonite, keep us safe from harm, bless you lord and every living creature you created lord...what an awesome god you is...I lift your name with joy. After having an man like you in my other man can stand a chance not even my husband...thank you Jesus. Amen

by peaches

Pray Pray

12 people prayed for this

Comments on this Prayer

LoVe ur Prayer! The endinG was Cute... GOd Bless! I pray tthat U have a GOOdnight and a Blessed weekend =)

OnLy GOds | on Apr 16, 2010

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