Prayer Request

Dear lord I love you dearly and I could really use your help. Any money that I'm getting from my lawyer and my step grandfather's will would be really helpful write now. Lord if you could help guide us to a house that has a fenced in yard and is affordable that would be very helpful.
Lord if you could please let my husband get a job it would really help me out. It would help us both out but it would take some of the stress off of me being I'm the only one working now. Please lord let my husband get a job, once he gets a job he said I could work part time so I could go back to school. Please lord we have been beaten down emotionally, and physically we really need your help. We are trying to stay strong but it is hard when things keep crashing down again. Lord please we ask that you forgive us of our sins and please help us. Lord you already know we need to get a house as soon as possible. With the money that I'm supposed to get let that come through so we can afford rent and all the utilities. Please lord I come to you for your help and guidance. In Jesus precious name I pray amen.

by blessed one

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