Prayer Request

Thank you for answering our prayer, but due to our financial stand point we can't accept the apartment. I'm beyond upset because we worked so hard and waited so long to get to this point and now we have to just let it go. I feel like a failure as a wife and a failure as a mom. I can't support my family the way they deserve to be supported. I feel like a waste of space. My husband and I are also on a rough patch right now. We have separate dreams that we want to achieve and our dreams clash. I feel as if his heart is across the world from mine and we're not in unity like we once were. I lay next to him and the spark that was once there is fading. He rather focus on one thing than see that I'm right next to him calling his name. Lord, I know that this is an obstacle that we must overcome, but it's so hard. Please revive our love again. Help us fight to stay together. I don't want to lose him. I don't want to see him in the arms of another. He is my soulmate no matter our disputes or differences. He is the father to my unborn child. He is the man I gave some firsts to and all my lasts. Please God come in my life and just renew everything and anything.

by Jonathan's Mommy

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