Prayer Request

Lord where did I go wrong? I am about to be homeless with three children again I can't keep putting them thru this they deserve better lord I'm trying I need a miracle to happen I am goin to disappoint so many people how can I face them I can't even face myself in the name of Jesus I need you right now I need you I just lost my uncle I'm holding in the pain I'm numb I lay down burdens lord I'm tired so tired life has not been kind to me I am thankful for all the birdsong that you have blessed me with in the name of Jesus I know that you would not put more on me than I could bare in the name of Jesus please help me lord I need you I need a miracle I need a home for my children and I in the name of Jesus I ask that you guide those that are going. Thru something no matter what it is I ask that your will be done lord in the name of Jesus

by savemysoul

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