Prayer Request

This the day that the Lord has made, rejoice and be glad in it!

Thank you for waking me up and allowing me to see yet another day but another birthday. You allowed me to grace this earth 38yrs ago today and I thank you.

As I live and get older and a bit wiser I think I discovered my purpose in life as you would have it.
Oh God, walk with me and be my eyes, ears and mouth.

Be with our 4yr old son as he presses his way through the things preschoolers do. Calm him when he needs to be calmed and teach him as You would have him to know. These last few days have been good so I thank you for hearing my prayer.

Move in me, help me please. I'm looking for a job, trying to improve my life and my finances, and trying to improve my marriage. It's strained Oh God and my husband says I act insecure. If there is any truth to that statement by what you see in me I ask that you remove it. Work on that which lies in him as well.

Be with and cover my parents. You know the desires of their hearts.

I need to hear a word from you. I cry tears of thanks because there have been many moments where I did not want to see another birthday but you had and have another devine plan.

I might have to take a test today and honestly I hope I don't have to because I don't think I'm prepared.

I ask for your holy power to rain over me, my family, and everyone who is under the sound of these words.

Thank you Oh God for your grace, peace and mercy on me.

by AMichele

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